Two things have happened in the past couple of weeks to bring nostalgia bubbling forth. The first was a phone call from a dear cousin who I hear from seldom. I must admit that I don't call her either. that as it may..............we have reconnected and chat some on Facebook these days and I'm getting to know her children and grandchildren a bit through the photos and quick comments made.
As was usually the case she is "On my Back" in this picture taken in 1958.
The other thing that happened, is an Estate Sale Find of a large lot of Braniff Dinner Service and this absolutely fabulous Tote Bag. In doing a bit of research on the bag (I already was familiar with the dinner service, since I flew Brannif quite a bit way back when).........I discovered this wonderful and colorful site hosted by an ex Braniff Flight Attendent Mod Colors.
Now, you ask, what do the two have in common?
Simple. When we were the age of the photo above, we talked for hours and had major dreams of becoming the most glamourous girls on earth and being Stewardesses. We had the plans. Finish High School, get a job, get an apartment and live together and travel all over the world...........Sigh!
But that didn't happen. Apparently our dreams were a bit advanced, since we both married before we graduated from High School and the Flying the Friendly Skies became a very vague and distant memory. As a matter of fact I didn't even remember it until I was researching this bag.
Ironically, if we had succeeded with our dream we might well have been wearing those Pucci outfits. The Flying colors started in 1965 and we both graduated from High School in the timing was perfect, but fate had other plans for us.
I'm not tragically sad about the change in dreams, but it's fun to live vicariously through the websites of others who traveled a different path.